Monday, March 25, 2024

EOTO 1 "First Radio"


                                   First Radio 

 The radio was invented by a collective group of inventors who transformed the technological world forever. In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted discovered electromagnetic waves and learned that electromagnetic currents were in wires. After years of research, a physics professor named James Clerk Maxwell discovered that electric currents can be reached from a faraway distance. An Italian creator named Guglielmo Marconi brought this new intellectual innovation of the radio to life. 

In 1907 Lee De Forest created a patented audion signal detector that intensified radio signals broadcasting live segments. Then a man named Charles Doc Herrold perfected the radio so that local broadcasts could be scheduled. All these men from Oersted to Herrold were master crafters. Each added his own touch and together succeeded in inventing the modern-day radio.     

 Nearly one hundred years ago, the radio was the main source of technology. People were drawn toward this incredible invention. The radio played a crucial role as the communication system once America entered WWI. The radio allowed American soldiers to hear what was going on at home on American soil.  

 The public loved the popular radio, so it was necessary for it to continuously change and improve. The first radio was the main primetime technology from the 1920s to the 1950s which allowed Americans to listen to the news, politics, music, and everyday leisure activities. The radio signals had to be broadcast over great distances to reach many American homes.  

 Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the radio, began his experiment by broadcasting from shorter distances, testing his theories, and perfecting his craft. In 1901 he founded his radio company and sent a radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.  A signal reaching this distance was revolutionary at the time.  

 On December 24th

, 1906, radio operators heard the voice of
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden, an assistant of Thomas Edison. This was an incredibly revolutionary event. On Christmas Eve, instead of receiving Morse code inscriptions, they heard Fessenden’s actual voice. To prove his message was transmitted correctly, he played “O Holy Night” on his violin and read a bible verse to the radio workers.  

 Having worked for Thomas Edison, the light bulb inventor, Fessenden was skilled with technology. He found a way in which radio frequencies could travel at a high rate of speed so that a human voice could be heard for longer periods.     

 This extended vocal sound length led Lee De Forest to become known as the “Father of the Radio” and “Grandfather of Television” in America. Forest introduced the term live broadcasting in which he broadcast music to New York City. 

Soon after De Forest broadcast music to New York City, he introduced his radio company called De Forest Radio and Telephone Company. In 1910 he broadcast a live opera performance from the Metropolitan Opera. Weak radio signals had been transformed into powerful signals and the possibilities seemed endless.  

There were many firsts on the radio including the broadcasting of the first baseball game, the first football game, the first inauguration, and the first presidential address. KDKA, located in Pennsylvania, was known as the first radio station which aired in the 1920s. Digital Audio Broadcasting has improved the radio and is one of the major technologies used around the world today.  

 News was transformed spreading from newspapers then to Morse code through the radio and then finally to live broadcasts with people talking. Each one of these master crafters played a crucial role in the success of inventing the modern-day radio which transformed human communication forever.  

 The radio impact could be seen by people across the United States and in other parts of the world. Technology that would change the world was not just an auditory discovery, but rather an invention that would change the perception of communication.  

Messages rapidly spread from one part of the world to the other. Without the invention of the radio, America would have struggled as a nation with its communication systems. Who could have imagined that words on paper would transition to being digitally heard emanating from a tiny metal box?  

 While the radio was seen as a blessing, some people saw the radio as a curse. Many jobs were eliminated from the radio developing as the main technology source in America. The vinyl record industry saw a massive decline from music being broadcast instead of consumers buying records.   

 The Radio Act of 1927 was issued by Congress and acted upon by President Coolidge. This bill meant that broadcasting radio frequencies were accepted by the government to control foreign communication. The government would license the radio stations and determine the local frequencies. This became necessary due to the sinking of the Titanic.    

 The first radio was a technology developed and improved by many talented and brilliant inventors. Today, radio is available for all local stations to discuss current events and serve as a digital listening device for music. The first radio revolutionized the transmission of the news which would come to be known as a truly historic auditory breakthrough.

Thursday, March 21, 2024



These issues affect all of us as human beings. Having a big brother, so to speak, looking over our shoulder to spy on everything we are doing is not cool.  Why does the government need to know everything we are doing? The answer is that they do not.  The beauty of being an American citizen is that we are free to live our lives and do our thing within the confines of the laws that govern all US citizens. We have laws to maintain order and to protect us.  If we are following the laws, paying our taxes and not jaywalking, then the government should leave us alone and let us live our lives.  This affects me negatively because government surveillance takes away my quality of life.  How am I supposed to pursue my happiness when there is some creepy device watching and recording me? Even using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram tabs are kept on us.  The Artificial Intelligence Facebook uses looks at what we view, how long we view it, what we search for on the app and who knows what else.  The next thing we know, there are all kinds of ads on our newsfeeds that have to do with dressy shoes for sale, all because we happened to click on a pair of glitter heels.   I do not want some computer to select and bombard me with advertisements about something I accidentally clicked on as I was leisurely scrolling online.  This affects my enjoyment of using the social media platform in a very annoyingly negative way.  It affects my sense of safety and wellbeing, because now I must be extra careful not to click on an athlete’s foot ad or I will see lots of athlete’s foot ads when I do not even have that condition! Not only does Facebook surveil us for advertiser’s products, but they also read everything we write in a post or how we respond to someone else’s post.  They remove our posts, put a disclaimer on our words and even put us in Facebook jail because their fact checkers or the word police disagree with a word, we use to describe a group of people or an event. Political comments are really scrutinized as well as anything that has to do with religion.  This sort of intrusion into someone's private opinion is just an overreach.  Then there are the apple air tags that can track you. While this can help you find a lost item, it can also be used in a nefarious way by someone with criminal intent.  With the rapid technological advances, we may be living in a world where James Bond spy devices are used to track us everywhere every minute of the day or night.  It is no longer Science fiction, but a cold intrusive reality.  This is not the America that we should be stuck with.  America is the land of the free and should be the land of the not surveilled! 

The Fourth Amendment states that the government protects American citizens from unjustified behavior from the government. This means that under this law our homes, people, schools, and cars are protected. However, the same rules should apply to technology and the internet. The government is not supposed to surveil people or listen to calls except in times of extreme unrest. The government legally does not have the right to wiretap someone’s cell phone or car. As an American, we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which unauthorized surveillance is violated against our Constitution. While catching criminals, terrorists, and murderers are tracked the release of information means that the government can track us too. The government has the mass technology to track the American people however the government is stopped by the Amendments. 


How do we protect ourselves from all these invasions of privacyThat is obviously the million-dollar questionTo answer it succinctly, we must be vigilantWe must educate ourselves as to what type of surveillance devices are marketed, how they are used and how we can detect or disable themKnowing that there are other search engines on our computer that do not track our search history or purchasing history is important as wellDuckDuckGo is a search engine that does not let creepy bots follow us around to collect our viewing information. While educating ourselves about the latest tech gadgets is very important, we still must be more vigilant and proactiveWe need to become activists in a way and make sure there are laws in place to govern and limit the extent we can be surveilled

We need to make our opinions known to the lawmakers and keep making our opinions known to themWe can call or write our congressmen and womenBy sharing negative personal experiences with them, they can draft legislation to keep James Bond types and his nemeses at bay. We must vote into office the candidates who believe in protecting our constitution and personal right to freedom and privacy. Sadly, it takes a great deal of effort to protect ourselves in our worldAs with any technology, we must be careful how we use itCaution when using the internet is importantShopping online from only reputable companies can help protect our privacyTaking care when opening emails from unknown senders or attachments can potentially stop spyware from being attached to the computer. Who knows what all the implications with the new ways of using AI technology will bringNo matter what comes our way, we must be vigilant to protect ourselves from overreaching intrusions into our private world. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Eight Value of Free Expressions


The Values Versus The Media

The Founding Fathers founded America based on the principles and values that defined America as a nation. The press and journalism should guarantee trustworthy information seen as a source to the public. The Eight Values of Free Expression are examples of how American Citizens should play a role in our society. I am extremely passionate about the theories that resonated the most with me and find significant importance in the marketplace of ideas, checks on governmental power, and protected dissent. As an American and an aspiring journalist, I want to be able to advocate for the American people with factual information. An example in which all The Eight Values of Free Expression are prevalent in former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s segment showing an unedited video of what occurred on January 6th.  

Under this theory, American citizens can watch how much power our government can control. Among three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, the power must be controlled. As a citizen, we pride ourselves on our liberties and understand that our individual rights are just as important to protect. Journalists and the press have the right to report the truth to the public. The journalism department should always provide honest and factual news stories. Tucker Carlson showed a video of QAnon Shaman being let in by police walking around the capitol. The media outlets lied and tried to portray this man as the January 6th mascot as a monster. This video is unambiguous evidence that the government did not want the people to know. Keeping this video showing the Shaman talking politely from the American public and saying he was violent is terrifying. News outlets did not want to share this video with the public to inform American citizens what was happening. As American citizens, we should always know the truth, and high-power government officials hiding information goes against our rights. America believes in democracy and not dictatorship. There is a thin line between fact and opinion.   

The First Amendment protects speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition against the government. Protecting dissent guarantees citizens the right to speak out against the government. Journalists and news anchors can call out the government if they think a view or an opinion goes against the U.S. Constitution and individual rights. Tucker Carlson discussing and showing the January 6th video angered the left wing. Carlson was fired from FOX due to the backlash. As an American citizen, we have a right to challenge the government and the way they govern our country.  Journalists share information with the public, so the public can be aware of how our Republic is governed. If Tucker Carlson, a well-known investigative journalist could show an actual video of an event disputing the government’s story and lose his job, what could happen to the average American for calling out the governmental gaslighting? Censorship lies in a dictatorship and not in a democratic republic. Americans need to pay attention to what the government is doing so that we as a people can continue to express our thoughts freely which are protected by our Constitution.     

The marketplace of ideas is a theory to define freedom of speech. So, under the act, the government, instead of focusing on opinions, looks at facts. Broadcasting and printing the news is a journalistic right that is protected. Truth prevails through arguments and once the truth is out it is difficult to see the other viewpoint. Since Tucker Carlson had the right to broadcast the video given to him by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, he had an individual right to share the truth. This video of QAnon Shaman was a factual video. Other news networks like CNN, and the New York Times claimed that Tucker Carlson’s video was fake. However, the truth versus a coverup means that the truth will always win.

By defending the truth, our Constitution and the American people should always come first. What does this mean for our nation’s future if the government endorses lying and mockery? Personally, I believe American citizens should understand that no matter what people will do, those speaking the truth will always be right. Oral and written journalism should remain truthful. It should give the people an outlet to view this information for themselves. Only then are people able to form their own opinions as opposed to hearing only what a government wants them to believe. Freedom isn’t free, we have to continue to fight for it and protect it.

All about The Supreme Court


All about The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the world. It was designed to protect American citizens’ rights and liberties under our United States Constitution. The members gather in a courtroom to hear and discuss certain court cases that require a constitutional interpretation. Not all cases are taken to this end of the road judicial body, only ones that contain a constitutional question. The Supreme Court Protects the civil rights and the personal liberties of American citizens.  It handles cases involving principles, values, and the peoples’ rights often regarding political and social issues.  


One area of the Supreme Court that I was not familiar with is the history of the court of last resort and parts of the judicial branch. America’s first President, George Washington, set in place the Judiciary Act of 1789 that established the Supreme Court, as well as setting up other courts beneath it. The Supreme Court tells the President and the State Courts what power they have. This has remained constant with six justices comprising the court.  During the presidency of  President Adams, he appointed John Marshall as chief justice and the court. He was the fourth chief justice of the United States, yet he is known as one of the greatest justices of all time. Marshall brought power and prestige to the judiciary department so that it was on the same level as Congress and the Executive branch providing three balanced but separate branches of government. He interpreted the Constitution as a document to give more power to the government. This brought to light how our Constitution is so important to the United States and the world. This was now part of America’s image, which would reflect upon the rest of the world. One of the key issues that divided the Court was the decision to abolish slavery or not. There were many heated discussions, and the issue was resolved once the Civil War was fought. For national problems, America looks back upon our Constitution to determine conclusions to various issues.        

Perhaps the most interesting idea taken away from the United States Supreme Court is how the states take cases to the highest court in the land for them to determine if a case has a constitutional question that needs deciding. Once a case arrives from the state court, the justices choose what case they will hear to argue and defend against. The nine justices meet and shake hands demonstrating a symbol of respect in case various disagreements occur. Justices will come in and stand for beliefs and values which their initial opinions can change by arguments with other justices. National cases gain the public’s attention which in turn focuses national attention on the court’s appearance and appeals. Lawyers are allowed thirty minutes through their oral arguments in front of the justices to try to captivate the court. Lawyers argue in front of the nine justices whether in favor or against defending values and opinions. The justices will gather after a case to vote and answer the constitutional question, then one judiciary writes an opinion describing their reasonings from a majority stand as the final say of a national-level court case. 


The most surprising thing that I learned about the Supreme Court was that for almost 200 years “We the People” did not include women participating in our judiciary system. This is a point that I feel is overlooked in our society today. At the time “We the People” meant men only with America being represented by male judiciary leaders. From the early seventeenth century to the 1920s, women were constantly fighting for their voices to be heard. The Women’s Suffrage movement granted as well as guaranteed women’s right to vote in our judiciary system. From this movement “We the People” included women, and our constitution must protect women’s rights today. 


As I watched this video, my opinion changed about my views of journalists' responses to Court Cases. Opinion writing is a crucial factor in that the rulings of one particular court case will be used for years to come as an example for another case. As the judiciaries’ revisions take months, it is especially important to declare the findings of the Supreme Court to the public. I always thought that the Press would write stories based on opinions and had no idea how long a report could take before it is released. The Public Information officer is the one who releases copies of judiciary statements to the press. I assumed journalists would review the information, but they will write and release information to the Public immediately. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Top 5 News Sources

                  My Top 5 News Sources

     As an aspiring news reporter, I regularly check the news channels to see what is happening nationwide and internationally. As members of Gen Z, we have a voice in how America functions, and because of our constitutional rights, we have a right to know the truth about the breaking news that is broadcast on television and online. I always try to find and follow news that is factual and accurate. News networks I search regularly are Fox News, The Associated Press, WBTV, BBC News, and Reuters News Network 


A popular broadcasting network, Fox News, is designed to provide live reports on what is currently happening, sharing the information with the public. Fox News is a more conservative-centered news outlet giving its viewers a news channel with a unique perspective from the mainstream media. Fox airs special interviews with guests such as former President Donald Trump, other famous government officials, and a plethora of other guests from all

walks of life. The Fox Channel covers national and international news on topics such as politics, sports, business, and legal issues while advocating for the people. Due to their dedication to the American people, they strive to provide honest and factual information while remaining more unbiased than the regular news media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC to name a couple. I enjoy watching Fox News in the daytime to learn about what is happening in America with US politics to learn about our President and our government’s responses to certain issues. I enjoy watching the show “Gutfeld,” which is an open-ended talk show hosted by Greg Gutfeld set in a relaxed setting where show regulars and special guests discuss the day’s news in a lighthearted, sometimes comedic manner. It is aired in front of a live audience with whom they sometimes engage. Fox News is one of the most watched news channels and is an excellent choice for a conservative point of view about politics and the economy along with shedding a positive light on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Fox also has a variety of regularly scheduled programs hosted by men and women with credibility and integrity. 


The Associated Press is a twenty-four-hour new agency that is currently the most prominent in the United States. It is an international news network that is seen as more independent than any other news network and has more journalists reporting from more than one hundred countries worldwide. The Associated Press has a blogging outlet to connect my generation by bringing attention to news stories in an accessible way. I find the Associated-Press to be a very reliable and trustworthy news outlet. Finding a global news network that supports freedom of the press means that readers and listeners are getting more impartial news stories. The Associated Press sends reporters and journalists to various parts of the world to uncover the facts and values of the people’s beliefs and opinions.  


WBTV News is a local North and South Carolina news agency located in Charlotte, North Carolina. This news network can be found on channel three on cable and channel 2 on regular television. It can be streamed through the WBTV news app on your iPhone as well. This news network provides first-alert weather updates, crime reporting within the area, and certain health and politics related to the Carolinas. It also brings good news stories about people and events in the area. WBTV works with many non-profit organizations such as Forever Family, Project Pink, and Autism Speaks to make their community a better place. I have been watching WBTV since I was a little girl. I watch WBTV to learn about what is going on locally in their viewing community. I very much appreciate their accurate weather forecasting and reporting on weather events both live and pre-recorded. Whether you are from out of state or born and raised in North Carolina, it is important to have a trusted local news network with anchors and reporters you respect 


The British Broadcasting Corporation is located in the United Kingdom and serves as an international news outlet worldwide about notable news happenings in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. BBC News is funded by the British Crown which King Charles gives the news corporation the rights to publish news. This news network broadcasts news to the public and operates under BBC Studios. Its news platform includes news about sports, weather, music, and national and international topics of interest. I find the BBC highly informative as it is a great international news network under the cooperation of one of America’s great allies, the United Kingdom. Learning about the royal family and the monarchy provides a different outlook when viewing the news. This broadcasting channel allows American citizens to learn what is going on politically and economically in Europe. This is a great international option to check out because BBC is restricted from stating opinions and promotes equality among political parties.  


Reuters is an international news network that strives for its journalists to be factual and vetted news stories. This network is broadcast and read through various platforms such as social media, television, and newspapers. Reuters promotes “freedom from bias” especially in the journalism department. Reuters strives to be as accurate as possible and identifies its information to be fact instead of opinion. I enjoy reading Reuters online news stories because they are viewed as a third-person party. Reuters is a great choice for you to check out broadcasts on politics, sports, and entertainment. It is seen as one of the biggest news agencies worldwide.  


As a journalism student, I realize the importance of wanting to be informed about news locally, nationally, and internationally. I appreciate having news sources I am comfortable with and have a strong degree of trust that the news they share is reported accurately. I hope that you will check out Fox News, The Associated Press, WBTV, BBC News, and Reuters News to see for yourself the benefit of staying informed by sources with integrity. As future business leaders, teachers, doctors, and journalists we are the voice for our generation and the next, so sourcing vetted factual news is necessary to preserve our future and the futures of those that will follow.  

Final Post

                        Haters Gonna Hate  In the wise words of Taylor Swift , “If you say it in the streets it's a knockout, but if yo...