Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Eight Value of Free Expressions


The Values Versus The Media

The Founding Fathers founded America based on the principles and values that defined America as a nation. The press and journalism should guarantee trustworthy information seen as a source to the public. The Eight Values of Free Expression are examples of how American Citizens should play a role in our society. I am extremely passionate about the theories that resonated the most with me and find significant importance in the marketplace of ideas, checks on governmental power, and protected dissent. As an American and an aspiring journalist, I want to be able to advocate for the American people with factual information. An example in which all The Eight Values of Free Expression are prevalent in former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s segment showing an unedited video of what occurred on January 6th.  

Under this theory, American citizens can watch how much power our government can control. Among three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, the power must be controlled. As a citizen, we pride ourselves on our liberties and understand that our individual rights are just as important to protect. Journalists and the press have the right to report the truth to the public. The journalism department should always provide honest and factual news stories. Tucker Carlson showed a video of QAnon Shaman being let in by police walking around the capitol. The media outlets lied and tried to portray this man as the January 6th mascot as a monster. This video is unambiguous evidence that the government did not want the people to know. Keeping this video showing the Shaman talking politely from the American public and saying he was violent is terrifying. News outlets did not want to share this video with the public to inform American citizens what was happening. As American citizens, we should always know the truth, and high-power government officials hiding information goes against our rights. America believes in democracy and not dictatorship. There is a thin line between fact and opinion.   

The First Amendment protects speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition against the government. Protecting dissent guarantees citizens the right to speak out against the government. Journalists and news anchors can call out the government if they think a view or an opinion goes against the U.S. Constitution and individual rights. Tucker Carlson discussing and showing the January 6th video angered the left wing. Carlson was fired from FOX due to the backlash. As an American citizen, we have a right to challenge the government and the way they govern our country.  Journalists share information with the public, so the public can be aware of how our Republic is governed. If Tucker Carlson, a well-known investigative journalist could show an actual video of an event disputing the government’s story and lose his job, what could happen to the average American for calling out the governmental gaslighting? Censorship lies in a dictatorship and not in a democratic republic. Americans need to pay attention to what the government is doing so that we as a people can continue to express our thoughts freely which are protected by our Constitution.     

The marketplace of ideas is a theory to define freedom of speech. So, under the act, the government, instead of focusing on opinions, looks at facts. Broadcasting and printing the news is a journalistic right that is protected. Truth prevails through arguments and once the truth is out it is difficult to see the other viewpoint. Since Tucker Carlson had the right to broadcast the video given to him by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, he had an individual right to share the truth. This video of QAnon Shaman was a factual video. Other news networks like CNN, and the New York Times claimed that Tucker Carlson’s video was fake. However, the truth versus a coverup means that the truth will always win.

By defending the truth, our Constitution and the American people should always come first. What does this mean for our nation’s future if the government endorses lying and mockery? Personally, I believe American citizens should understand that no matter what people will do, those speaking the truth will always be right. Oral and written journalism should remain truthful. It should give the people an outlet to view this information for themselves. Only then are people able to form their own opinions as opposed to hearing only what a government wants them to believe. Freedom isn’t free, we have to continue to fight for it and protect it.

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