Monday, April 22, 2024

AI Blog Post

                             Invasion of AI 

Technology is both a blessing and a curse. AI and machine learning are rapidly changing everyday personal lives. If people are not truly aware of the effects and issues of AI, then America could be faced with a decrease in privacy with the passing of every year.  

The video I viewed explained how crucial it is to understand the importance of our constitutional rights which are now blindsided by AI.   

Graphic Image of AI takeover in America.

I learned that AI could potentially take away jobs from people who desperately need a job.  This would disrupt the economic cycles represented in America. Business owners and billionaires would be able to make money which would eliminate and mean fewer jobs around America. The rich will continue to make money while the poor get poorer because they cannot find real jobs.  

Artificial Intelligence is a money-hungry wealth-making creation which is a complex set of tools.  

AI can search and promote ads that are personalized to each person which can cause a major problem with our surveillance and personal privacy. How much does AI know about us? Well, the answer is simple: AI knows everything about every one of us.  

I was surprised to learn that Google’s motto was “Don’t Be Evil!” The irony of this statement is in the way Google uses AI to decipher our digital clues. These clues are used to predict what a user searches and looks at in their search bar. Most users have no clue that Google has this type of power and the ability to secretly find a person’s interests represented online.  

AI is expanding into homes. It can recognize not only who you are but specific details such as the sound of our voices or our moods represented in our voices. Scary right? AI is already heavily in healthcare, education, and the criminal justice system which is practically a major part of our everyday lives.  

The power represented in an AI image.  

Technology has been around since the 1950s. It is ever-evolving and will continue to be perfected, resulting in a greater privacy risk every day. AI can influence voting outcomes and in turn, can influence our voting system. The public needs to understand that privacy laws are critical and must be in place so that our personal information is not spread all over the internet for anyone to see and steal or exploit.

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