Monday, April 22, 2024

Antiwar Voices

             Can You Hear the Antiwar Voices? 

                                             Vietnam War 
Protestors advocating to end the war. 

Calls to end war have been around for many years, yet in today’s day and age, the mainstream media does not seem to have jumped on that bandwagon. Rather odd considering the antiwar cries during the Vietnam War era. Yet the media outlets of today seem to do anything rather than discourage America’s involvement in all sorts of global skirmishes. 


There could be a variety of reasons for this such as having wars to report on brings better ratings and more viewers than peacetime. Sensational stories are much more interesting to readers than stories about normal everyday things. People have also been conditioned to crave violence by Hollywood and tech game creators. 


However, another possible reason the mainstream media avoids the anti-war rhetoric is for political reasons since they are owned by liberals. Why is that a possible reason, because the government seems to greatly influence the content and viewpoint the media shares. The US government is run by liberal democrats, and it is in their best interest to promote war and fight with proxies to further their agenda.  


The US is “secretly” involved in several global situations, but only by proxy. Ukraine appears to be America's Proxy in defeating Russia. President Biden’s administration wants to see President Putin removed from power in Russia and can use Ukraine to achieve this. By helping fund Ukraine’s war efforts to push Putin out of their territories, the US is not fighting the war but can reap the benefits of a Ukrainian victory.  

                                                  The Washington Post 
Depiction of Putin versus Biden in the war. 

Just as the Ukraine conflict continues, the United States can also use Taiwan as their proxy to control China’s President XI. XI wants to regain control of Taiwan for China. The US has pledged to help defend Taiwan against China. Here again, it is not the US war with China, but Taiwan’s war. Once again, the US will reap benefits from supporting Taiwan. While causing a regime change in China is highly unlikely, this war would help the US keep China in check. 


The same proxy argument can be said about our ally Israel’s war against Hamas in Palestine. However, this situation has been clouded by the Biden Administration seeming to play both sides by supporting Israel while sending aid to Palestine that they know will end up in the hands of the terrorist group Hamas who run Palestine. 


As the boss who writes the checks for the mainstream networks, liberals have a great deal of leverage with the news outlets concerning the content they share. If your boss is for war, you will promote war if you want to keep your job and get paid. These outlets suppress any opinions that go against their agenda, even at the expense of their own integrity.  


As long as all of this back-scratching with the media continues, antiwar thoughts and opinions will be disregarded and left to the lesser-known news organizations to share. News sites like ANTIWAR and The American Conservative will have to work twice as hard to get their viewpoint out to the public.  


Sadly, the days of presenting two opposing viewpoints and letting the public decide seems to be gone. Now as if from a foreign land, the public is given one viewpoint and told to believe it.  Surely the winds of change will begin to blow once again. 



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